Your Keyboard is Snot What You Think!

Woman blowing her noseWith more and more powerful viruses hitting our lives in a day and age where people travel more, we hear in the news of constant warnings … to get flu shots, don’t sneeze in your hands (yeah right) and to stay home from work if you get sick (who will pay the bills?).

What we’ve not heard yet – or at least I haven’t heard, is whether or not you continue to re-infect yourself with your own computer keyboard or smart phone!

Successfully fighting three rolling bouts of sickness, I find yet another one threatening to deliver a blow (pun intended) to my sinuses and lungs.

This is quite frustrating as you well know, because I have better things to do than to blow my nose, cough and try to sound intelligent on the phone with clients. Even though I work at home, I think it’s possible to catch a bug over the phone in the same way that you can catch a yawn!

Could it be that I’m reinfecting myself by my daily use of my keyboard and just keep reapplying the virus that I’m trying to get rid of?

As part of regular computer maintenance in scanning for viruses, remember to clean your keyboard too! You never know what you might catch from such intimate contact!

I did a Google search on this subject and am sharing a couple of interesting blogs that address this issue …

How to Clean and Disinfect Your Keyboard and Computer Mouse (8/7/2011)

Which is cleaner, your keyboard or your toilet seat? Let’s hope your keyboard, but just in case, we’ll show you how to safely clean and disinfect your keyboard and mouse.

Woman sneezing

How long does a cold virus last on a keyboard?  (1/24/2000)

“… Most of these viruses are thought to be able to be transmitted from a surface, such as a doorknob or keyboard for about 3 to 6 hours.”


Rhinovirus (common cold) 

(12/29/2012) ” …The rhino-virus (rhino meaning “nose” in Latin) is one of the smallest of all viruses. it is responsible for over half of all cold symptoms. Rhino-viruses typically attack the sinus tract. Symptoms typically last about a week.

These viruses are often transferred from human to human via contact with the skin. Such contact may include kissing, handshakes, and other forms of non-intimate contact. These viruses can also be deposited on hard surfaces by one human, picked up or touched by another human, and then transferred to the nose or mouth. A rhino-virus can live undisturbed outside a host cell for up to a day.

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